2009年4月28日 星期二


The Kutti which built on the hillside of Buddha Light Vihara shall take the measure of anti landslide and soil erosion protection. In the long term plan, we decide to build-up anti landslide project over the cliff for the seek of safety and secure. But it cost a lot on the landslide project. Once the completion of a new unit of meditation hall. It can accommodate at least 60 participants, it has dual usage purpose, can be used as dwelling place for at least 70 to 80 persons and meditation hall.
At present, with three times annual student champs, due to limited space hardly 50 students can be participated, with the new unit of kutti it will serve more necessity up to 100 students.
The existing Kutti is not so suitable for long term leaving, due to strong breeze and heavy rains through out the year, furthermore, the in-between gap of the plank worsen the condition. Therefore the concrete and cement building is the best way of solutions, the hilly station infrastructure and transportation make the cost higher, but recent completed road has gained better advantage to make this 2 new projects, still cost RM 250, 000 to serve the purpose.
Kindly support generously by contributing this construction. May all the donors and contributors bless with longevity, wealth, fortune and wisdom supreme.
Our Correspondence Contact No. Tel: 604 – 2295411
佛光精舍後山比丘寮房Kutti ,依山而建,但水土保護又不得不重視,故特別計劃堅固雙重保護的防土圍牆,而且長遠計劃而言得以安全為上策, 這兩間的比丘寮和活動禪堂,可容納60 人的大堂,亦可充當寮房至少可住70人至80 人。

本舍每年所辦的活動空間不夠用, 尤其每年三次生活營的學生只能容納50 位, 一旦寮房建成至少可收100 位學生。現有的Kutti, 只適合在山腳下用, 因木板的縫太大,山上風雨非常多, 長期住下來則受不了, 上擠下壓的風或四面而來,有待修改才能適用,故建鋼筋水泥才是上策。

以全山安全起見,山土保養和土流失的問題,擴建比丘2 大寮房經費至少須25 万元,如因緣成熟則可動土。敬希十方善信慷慨解囊,共就菩提大業,利樂眾生,天人人間共就佛道,同圓種智。
有意捐獻者, 多少不拘。請聯絡本寺寺務処或竹林寺
59,Perak Road, 10150 Penang. Tel: 04 – 2295411

2 則留言:

  1. 有錯字:第二段第三行“逢”應改為「縫」。“齊“應是「擠」字。

  2. 晩学是砂劳越诗巫人。姓王荣成。几年前在当地伯公廟得到一册由檳城升旗山佛光精舍住持上修下静法师所著的(大乘四無量观)。但由於是初版还有下绩。晚学十年來再也無缘结缘到法师所编写的全部。是否大德你们能浪晚学得到法师的著作吗?
